The Mould

An electric noise, along with Andy and Norton yelping


ANDY: Norton.

NORTON: You saved me!

ANDY: Yup!

NORTON: We have to get out of these clothes!

Norton starts to strip

ANDY: Pardon?

NORTON: Don't misunderstand me, I'm grateful but perils. Take your clothes off!

ANDY: But, but-

NORTON: Spores! We're covered in them! If they're on our clothes, if you’ve breathed them in, you're dead!

ANDY: Oh, of course.

Andy joins him

NORTON: Careful! That's it. How and why did you find me?

ANDY: Ah, it uh- It got flagged up in the Torchwood computer, so I borrowed a vortex manipulator and here I am.

NORTON: Oh, sweet. Where is here?

ANDY: I don't know. Why are the socks always the hardest thing?

NORTON: It's why strippers don't bother with them.

ANDY: As I was saying, hunting you down manually went a bit wrong, so I turned on the psychic settings.

NORTON: Oh, I wonder where we are. Oh!

A door opens and someone walks in, turning on the lights

GIDEON: What the hell are you doing in my room?


Norton and Andy clear their throats

GIDEON: I'm waiting. Why are you naked in my room?

NORTON: Er, we had a date, remember?

GIDEON: Do you normally bring along a naked stranger?

ANDY: I'm Andy. Hello!

NORTON: See? He's no stranger, he's Andy.

ANDY: I'm only naked because my clothes are covered in spores. I would shake your hand, but er...

NORTON: Not now.

GIDEON: How the hell did you get in here? What the hell is this?

NORTON: You're repeating yourself.

ANDY: Probably going into shock. Let me help you sit down on the bed. Come on. Come on,

GIDEON: Get off me!

ANDY: Oh, sorry. I forgot. Got no clothes on.

GIDEON: Let go of me!

ANDY: Seriously though, a sit down will do you good. Please, come on. There you go.

GIDEON: What are you doing?

ANDY: Sorry.

Andy falls down

GIDEON: Get off me!

ANDY: Sorry, I lost my balance. I'm a bit dizzy actually.

NORTON: Vortex manipulator.

ANDY: Thank you.

GIDEON: Get off my bed!

ANDY: Hold on, I'm not feeling too clever.

GIDEON: Oh, he is on my lap!

NORTON: Come on, Andy, let's get you off poor Lyme. Sorry. Give him a push, Lyme. Come on, up, up, up. There we go, Andy.

Andy makes some vague groaning sounds

NORTON: Come on. Come on now.

LANDLADY: Mr Lyme, I'm... (scream)

NORTON: Who is that?

GIDEON: My landlady.


Cars padding by

GIDEON: Wait, okay, what about my-

A door opens and his suitcase is thrown out

GIDEON: Suitcase. Thank you. Hell.

ANDY: Friend of yours?


ANDY: Figures.

NORTON: What's that supposed to mean?

They start to walk

ANDY: Thanks for letting us, uh, grab some clothes.

GIDEON: Wait, do I- It's fine. What the hell just happened to my life?

ANDY: Norton happened.

GIDEON: How did you get into my room? Why were you naked?

NORTON: Don't tell him Andy.

ANDY: I beamed us. Do you see this? It's my portable matter transmitter. And, like Star Trek you see, it's a-

GIDEON: Star Trek?

ANDY: Oh, right. Uhh, it's a magic wand and I did a spell and I whisked us from Norton's office to your room.

NORTON: It's the 1950s, not the middle ages.

ANDY: You're making this very complicated. Anyway, that's why we ended up in your room. Because Norton was in danger, and I've come to rescue him. For which, no one has said thank you.

NORTON: Thank you.

ANDY: See?

GIDEON: You've a Narnia watch? Show me.

ANDY: Ah, it's recharging. It's done a lot of work. Sorry, you're just going to have to trust me. Unlike Norton, you can trust me.

GIDEON: Norton's not a librarian, is he?

ANDY: Ha, no.


NORTON: Andrew, it's dolly to see you, but this is all bad. So bad. What happened back there- it's an elaborate trap. One that's just taken out my only friend and all of Torchwood.

GIDEON: Torchwood being?

NORTON: It doesn't matter anymore. They're all dead.

GIDEON: Sorry.

NORTON: Stuff was being smuggled into gangland. We didn't know what, but I thought I'd been clever and intercepted one. Only it was a trap. And I've killed them all. I didn't mean that to happen.

ANDY: Ah, right.

NORTON: We thought it was a drug or weapon, but it's much worse. We were trying to stop it hitting the streets, but it already has. I knew it! I knew it was all connected. I've been warning them, I said there was something in the smog and I was right. All those deaths. Well, now we know. Fungi.

GIDEON: Excuse me? What's going on? I'm homeless, you're some kind of magic spy, and you're talking about mushrooms.

NORTON: Clothes don't matter. Rooms don't matter. Very soon, London won't matter. Something horrible has been unleashed on this city, and we've got to stop it.

ANDY: Hmm. But I'm freezing.

NORTON: Actually, yes. Good point. We need to get off the streets. Back to mine.


The sound of their footsteps

GIDEON: What is Torchwood? It's clearly not a library.

ANDY: They screw things up.

NORTON: Uh, not fair. Half fair. Little bit fair. Torchwood was founded by Queen Victoria to save the British Empire from alien threats.

ANDY: And they screw it up.

NORTON: We're still here, aren't we? Torchwood got us through two world wars with both sides scrabbling to use alien weapons on each other. And we've seen off countless extraterrestrial visitors eyeing up this planet as a holiday home.

GIDEON: So wait, the British Empire is against colonisation now?

NORTON: Ooh, satire. All in all, I think we do a pretty decent job. One that you won't write about.

GIDEON: You try and stop me.

NORTON: I'm not going to. If I'm right, the next few hours will take care of it.

GIDEON: Is that a threat?

NORTON: Yes, but an indirect one. Listen.

A wet humming sound

GIDEON: What's that?

NORTON: London has been covered in smog for weeks. People have been feeling their way around. Some have gone missing, but that's kind of expected. But I think there's something hunting in the mist.

A wet roaring sound, slowly getting closer

GIDEON: Right. Wouldn't people have noticed?

NORTON: I've noticed. I tried warning Torchwood about it, they didn't listen.

ANDY: Do we, er… Fight it?

NORTON: No. If I'm right, we'll still have minor traces of those spores on us.

ANDY: Hang on, whatever's out there can smell us?

NORTON: Yes, like fresh liver to a dog. We need to hurry.

They walk faster, the roaring increases

GIDEON: Is that another one?

NORTON: Oh, yes.

ANDY: This would be easier if we could see where we're going.

NORTON: Wouldn't it.

GIDEON: Do you by any chance live nearby?

NORTON: Not close enough. Come on, run!

They start to run

ANDY: I can't see!

GIDEON: It's so dark!

NORTON: Take my hand! Trust me!

GIDEON: I can't see! I can’t see!

NORTON: Trust me!

They trip, a man screams in the distance

ANDY: What was that?

NORTON: They found someone else. Come on, that's bought us some time.

They rush off


The sound of a door opening and keys jingling

GIDEON: What is this place?

ANDY: You cannot live here.

GIDEON: That smell, is that damp?

ANDY: It's like something's died.

GIDEON: Probably the wallpaper, of shame.

NORTON: These are just temporary lodgings, really.

GIDEON: Is that the living room?

NORTON: Nope, the damp is worse in there.

ANDY: It's like there's something dead under your floorboards.


NORTON: Come on up, my room's quite snug. I was expecting a promotion recently, which sadly I didn't get. I had to find somewhere more… Modest to live.

ANDY: Looks like a bomb hit it.

NORTON: That's why it's cheap, they're knocking it down soon. Apparently its appearance is letting down Russell Square. Which well, I dunno, if those bushes could talk they'd scream. In here!

The squeak of a door, Andy shivers

NORTON: Oh, honestly, once the fire goes on it takes the sting out of the air.

GIDEON: The smell, though...

ANDY: It's freezing! You do have central heating in the 1950s?

GIDEON: The 1950s?

NORTON: Yes we have, but not here.

A coin is inserted into the fireplace, it clicks on

NORTON: Ah, there we go. I always keep some sixpences on the mantle to feed the gas fire. Keep an eye on it, would you? It has a habit of going out. Soon have a snug.

GIDEON: Really? One wall's just tarpaulin. Even in Tobago we'd call this rough. I can see why you didn't want to invite me round. Even candlelight and Mantovani couldn't make this romantic.

ANDY: Oh wait! You two, you were planning on having a date! Oh!

NORTON: Bless Andy, he likes to spell things out.

GIDEON: It was an option, before you turned up naked in my room and got me thrown out.

NORTON: You're not going to believe that we materialised out of thin air, covered in spores and just had to take our clothes off?

GIDEON: Not yet.

NORTON: Or that the psychic settings on the vortex manipulator honed in on you?

GIDEON: That doesn't make sense.

ANDY: It doesn't, to be fair.

NORTON: Shut up Andy.

ANDY: “Thank you Andy, thanks for jumping through time and rescuing me.”

NORTON: (groan)


NORTON: There's a bottle of wine and some tooth mugs on the draining board. Be a darling.

ANDY: Ah- Are you dismissing me?

NORTON: Noo! Yes.

ANDY: Right. Uh, cupboard, cupboard, cupboard, cupboard. Oh, cupboard and...

NORTON: Sit down Lyme.

GIDEON: Can't you call me Gideon?

NORTON: Lyme’s nicer. Now, ignore Andy, listen to me. I didn't tell you about my job, or what's happening to London, because it's a secret. And you're a journalist. And I like you. And if Torchwood people talk to journalists, they tend to wake up with no memory. If they wake up at all.

GIDEON: OK, wait. The people who work for Torchwood or the journalists?

NORTON: Doesn't matter, all that's changed now. Torchwood has been destroyed, it's just the three of us. And we've got to save London.

GIDEON: Whoa. Save London.

NORTON: Absolutely. I can't think of three better people.

ANDY: Have you got a corkscrew?


NORTON: More wine?

GIDEON: No, I mean no thank you. What kind of wine was that?

NORTON: Bad wine.

GIDEON: I can't believe you live like this.

ANDY: Be fair, it has warmed up a bit.

GIDEON: It's making the smell worse.

ANDY: Mm, that mould on the wall is impressive. How did you find this place?

NORTON: Believe it or not, investigating. This used to be a gangland hideout.

GIDEON: You don't say.

NORTON: I traced one of the packages to here, but there was no sign of the package or anyone living here, so I er… requisitioned it.

ANDY: You moved into an abandoned gangster squat?

NORTON: There's no need to spell it out. It's quite cosy, so long as you don't dwell on the details.

ANDY: The details being that it's horrifying.

NORTON: I'm going downstairs to see if there's more wine in the cupboard under the stairs. At least, I assume it's wine.

GIDEON: So... you two are friends?

ANDY: Er... y-yes?

GIDEON: And… okay. So he's really not a librarian, but he works hunting down Martians?

ANDY: Yep.

GIDEON: And you can appear and disappear at will because you're what? A ghost?

ANDY: I'm from the 21st century.

GIDEON: Okay. By which time everyone can time travel?

ANDY: Some can. I've time travelled quite a bit actually.

GIDEON: And if you've solved that. What else? Racism?

ANDY: Erm...

GIDEON: And the UK, presumably it's no longer dirt poor and at war with itself.

ANDY: But, time travel.

GIDEON: I see. And you've come back to save Norton because, why?

ANDY: No reason.

GIDEON: You pop back for tea often?


GIDEON: So there's a reason.

ANDY: Listen, the thing is, I sort of work for Torchwood in the future. Sort of. And a flag came up in our records about Norton and now his timeline's collapsing.

GIDEON: What does that mean, is he dying?

ANDY: I don't know, but whatever happens, it's not supposed to happen.

GIDEON: He's going to die, isn't he?

NORTON: Who's going to die? I found Scotch.


ANDY: Oh, that's it. I am drunk, I am. I didn't think it was possible on that stuff, but I did it.

GIDEON: My taste buds are burnt, but I can still smell the damp.

NORTON: Oh, stop complaining. That's all you ever do, Andy. Complain, yap, yap, yap. Thanks for saving me from the Martians. Thanks for saving me from the vats. No, just pooey. Norton's room's stinky.

ANDY: Uh, fire.


ANDY: Fire, the-the gas, fire, gone out.

NORTON: Ah. Well spotted.

He walks over to relight it

NORTON: Ooh, ooh, probably poisoning us.

GIDEON: Someone invented that smell, you know.

ANDY: Huh?

GIDEON: The smell of gas, someone invented it. Imagine that for a job.

Norton and Andy giggle

ANDY: I wonder what number of try this one was.

NORTON: Imagine his wife. “Colin, stop bringing your work home,”

They all laugh

ANDY: Norton, how long have you been living here?

NORTON: Few days, about a week.

ANDY: And… you don't know what happened to the previous tenants.

NORTON: Long gone, I imagine.

GIDEON: Over the hills and far away.

ANDY: It's just, well, when I was a kid-

GIDEON: Here we go.

ANDY: No, no, no, just a thing. Did you check the bed- under the bed for monsters?


NORTON: Not really. Why?

ANDY: Because there's- and you're gonna look at me, but-There's something moving under your bed.

GIDEON: I thought that was the tarpaulin.

NORTON: So did I. Oh my God, I can see it. Under the bed.

GIDEON: Ah! It's moving! I'm too drunk for this.

ANDY: Ahh, what do we do?

GIDEON: We're running away, aren't we?

NORTON: Are we?

ANDY: I think we should look at it.

NORTON: But if it's the old tenant, why is it moving?

GIDEON: I know.

ANDY: He could still be alive.

GIDEON: Rats! Rats have found him!

ANDY: Huh? Oh.

NORTON: We need to find out.

Footsteps, Norton groans while pulling the thing

ANDY: Oh, God, oh, God, oh. Right. Wrapped in the same material as the tarpaulin. Must have had some lying around.

NORTON: Always comes in handy. You unwrap it.


GIDEON: I'll do it, it's just rats

ANDY: No, no, not just.

GIDEON: It's fine. They used to live under the house and they were all over the ship I came over on. There was a nun in steerage who said she woke up to find one asleep on the pillow next to her.

NORTON: Not helping.

GIDEON: Can you pass me that bread knife? I need to cut the ropes. Thanks.

ANDY: (shudders) So, we're presuming that the previous tenant was, well, killed and then they wrapped up his body.

NORTON: Mmm, it does explain the smell.

GIDEON: Okay, so when I fold the sheets back they're going to explode.

ANDY: No, thank you!

GIDEON: Sorry, rush out. But just remember, they're as frightened of you as you are of them.

NORTON: I do not believe you.

GIDEON: Just be calm, okay? On three.

ANDY: Norton.

NORTON: Yes, Andrew?

ANDY: Have you seen any rats while you lived here?


GIDEON: Three!

He pulls it open, Andy yelps

GIDEON: No rats.


The creature in the sheet starts roaring, Norton and Andy starting yelling

ANDY: What the hell is that?

GIDEON: Not that- It’s not right, it’s not right. What is that?

ANDY: Norton's department. Can you kill it?

NORTON: Hang on a tick!

ANDY: Shoot it.

NORTON: I've seen one of these before.

ANDY: Oh, good!

NORTON: Bullets didn't work.

ANDY: Oh, God!

More yelling and roaring

GIDEON: That's been under your bed all this time?

NORTON: Yes, finally. Intelligent question. Okay, Lyme, say something else.

GIDEON: I'm still drunk.

NORTON: Not good enough.

GIDEON: Why did it wake up now?

NORTON: Excellent. Andy?

ANDY: What?

NORTON: Norton needs clever thoughts or we die. You've got this.

ANDY: No I haven't. It's between us and the door. And- Wait for it- Oh my God, spores!

NORTON: Yes, excellent! We've been exposed to the spores, it can sense them on us. So how can we use that to kill it?

ANDY: One of us could throw themselves at it, Norton, and we could run past it.

NORTON: Harsh!

GIDEON: It was making a noise when we came in. Then it stopped, then it started again.

NORTON: Oh, okay, go with that. Go with that a long way.

ANDY: Okay, okay, when the gas fire went out?

NORTON: Gas fire went out! There we go. Fire's out. Just gas.

GIDEON: It can't breathe gas.

ANDY: OK. Neither can we?

NORTON: In a moment, let's have a look at it. Thoughts?

ANDY: Oh, it's disgusting.

GIDEON: Oh, giant jellyfish or seaweed or mushroom.

NORTON: File those all away later. We need it dormant enough to sneak past it.

ANDY: And we need that to happen before we pass out.

GIDEON: There's something about it.

NORTON: Don't point it out because I've noticed it and I don't like it.

GIDEON: It has human eyes.

ANDY: Oh, God, it does. It does. Did that used to be... Oh, Jesus.

NORTON: It's collapsing. We can get out any moment.

ANDY: The fire's gone out.

NORTON: Has anyone got a sixpence?


GIDEON: Er, no. Well, there might be one in my coat.


GIDEON: My coat's on the chair by the door.

NORTON: Then get past the creature and grab it. Quickly, quickly!

GIDEON: Okay, okay, okay. Got it!

ANDY: Look out!

The creature hits Gideon

ANDY: Oh no, he's out cold.

NORTON: Grab his coat now, now!

They grab his coat and ruffle through it

NORTON: Uh,thruppenny bit. Bob!

ANDY: Do you have any normal coins?

NORTON: Sixpence!

ANDY: Norton!

Norton inserts the coin

NORTON: Bingo!

ANDY: Look out, he's coming right for you!

NORTON: You're a clever little thing, aren't you? And you've realised that I'm turning up the tap!

ANDY: Norton!

NORTON: (yell) Why won’t you pass out? Help!

ANDY: Hang on!

NORTON: What are you doing?!

ANDY: Pulling the pipe free! Come on!

NORTON: Ah, Splendid! (yell) Get it off me!

ANDY: One thing at a time! I'm... I'm feeling a bit… I’m feeling a bit…

Andy passes out



ANDY: Ugh… Norton?

NORTON: Don't thank me, I got you out the building.

ANDY: And the creature?

NORTON: Sleeping it off.

ANDY: Lyme!

GIDEON: I'm fine!

NORTON: He got a bit more gas than you.

GIDEON: OK, feeling better now.

NORTON: Adrenaline and terror, sobering.

GIDEON: You're right. Those creatures are real. That up there is proof, you've got one captured. That's evidence. We could go to... The authorities. Oh my god, this is amazing!

NORTON: Bless, you've forgotten something about concentrated volumes of gas.

GIDEON: We have to get back in there. We have to rescue it!

The building explodes

NORTON: Sorry about that.

GIDEON: I thought- doesn't it take a little bit longer than-

NORTON: Tidying up. Can't leave proof like that lying around. Nor do we need the authorities, we've got each other. Let's talk about what we've learned on the way.


NORTON: Little Compton Street, come on.

Norton starts walking


GIDEON: Unbelievable.

ANDY: This is what he does.

NORTON: It normally means he's up to something.


The rumble of an engine

NORTON: Soho Square please, driver. Bit of a luxury, but in this gloom it's the only way to get around.

ANDY: I couldn't drive in this.

GIDEON: It's the knowledge.

ANDY: Even in the pitch black?

NORTON: (sigh) What a night. Oh, it's good to see you again, Andy. Just like old times.

ANDY: Hmm, how many times have I nearly died tonight?

NORTON: Not enough.

GIDEON: Is this always what it's like with you two?

NORTON: Erm, yes.


ANDY: I sort of wish it wasn't.

GIDEON: Shouldn't we have gone left here?

NORTON: Are you taking on the knowledge in this murk?

GIDEON: No, sorry. Only just arrived. Tourist.

NORTON: You'll have to give him a big tip now, Andy.


GIDEON: All the same. Aren't we going north now?

ANDY: I'm sure we're fine.

GIDEON: Only Belle told me-

NORTON: Sorry, you've been speaking to Belle?

ANDY: Who's Belle?

NORTON: Time travellers. You're supposed to know everything that's going on. But Belle?

GIDEON: She told me to be weary of the cabs. She's afraid of them.

NORTON: Of course she is, she's several centuries old.

GIDEON: She's what?

ANDY: This is so you.

GIDEON: Anyway, she said the cabs were hunting.

NORTON: (laugh) Nonsense! Actually, we are going north. Driver, sorry to make a fuss, but Soho Square is back that way. Driver? Driver, could you lower the glass? Driver?

A roar, the same from many times before

ANDY: (yell) It’s one of them!

GIDEON: Oh my God!

NORTON: Out! Get out!

ANDY: I am not jumping out of a moving-


They tumble out onto the street



NORTON: Soho Square. Stop limping, Lyme. You've got all the sympathy you're going to get.

GIDEON: Huh? My leg still hurts.

NORTON: Fine, stay here on guard. Any more of those things, shout. Come on, Andy.

ANDY: The fog makes it kind of magical. Are you sure we're safe here? Why did you leave Lyme behind?

NORTON: I don't know if I can trust him.

ANDY: Can he trust you?

NORTON: Remains to be seen.

ANDY: Where is Little Compton Street?

NORTON: Underground, it's our way back into Torchwood. Charming little street, got covered over last century. It's now used as a passage between Torchwood and the bunker.

ANDY: We're going back into Torchwood?

NORTON: Oh yes.

ANDY: And what bunker?

NORTON: The one beneath our feet, dum-dum.

ANDY: There's a bunker underneath Soho Square?

NORTON: Of course there is.

ANDY: And where's the- Of course that's the entrance.

NORTON: Gardener's Hut, rumour has it that it's the entrance to an electrical substation. Rumour has it wrong. All Torchwood operatives have a key. In case the bomb goes off or there's another alien invasion, we're to head here.

ANDY: Another?

NORTON: You've got questions, haven't you?

ANDY: An unending supply of them.

NORTON: Well, I think it's sweet that you came back to rescue me.

ANDY: You were eavesdropping.

NORTON: The very idea. Every word. And as I said, sweet.

ANDY: It was Jack's idea.

NORTON: I didn't know he cared.

ANDY: I think he worries more about the timeline instability and because you and he…

NORTON: Hate each other?

ANDY: And you like me.

NORTON: I do like you, Andy. I adore you. Hold this wire. Also, you're expendable.

The wire shocks Andy


NORTON: See? And we're in. Lyme! Lyme! Here, boy!

Gideon comes running, one of the creatures follows him

GIDEON: Those things are hunting us!

NORTON: Of course they are, we're tainted with spores and as irresistible as sausages to a greyhound. But we're going to be okay, I've got us into a bunker.

GIDEON: There’s a?

NORTON: I've covered that with Andy.

ANDY: He has.

NORTON: If you'd care to step inside... That's right, that's right. And if you just step over that rake... Welcome to Torchwood.


GIDEON: Just how rich is Torchwood? I mean, should I even be asking?

NORTON: I'm certainly not telling you.

GIDEON: But you have a bunker.

NORTON: Honey, you weren't anyone in the 1940s if you didn't have a bunker. Even the Savoy had one. Very unreliable generator, we'd all be plunged into darkness at a moment's notice. Happy times.

ANDY: I found the door. What's the combination?

NORTON: Two, one, five, zero.

ANDY: Thank you.

He starts inputting the code

NORTON: Bless.

GIDEON: Did he really travel in time to save you?

NORTON: Oh, yes.

The door swings open

GIDEON: You- I mean, sorry, but you could be a bit more grateful.

NORTON: This is me being grateful.

GIDEON: Rest of us, our lives go wrong, we know we're on our own. You, you take it for granted that someone will turn up and rescue you.

NORTON: I guess I do, I'm lucky.

GIDEON: What about other people around you? I'm tired, I've no home and I'm being chased across London because of you. But you, you don't seem to have a care in the world.

NORTON: Not really.

GIDEON: And the lies. You told me you were a librarian.


GIDEON: Did you even... like me?

NORTON: Like you? Well… Ha! Andrew, you'll love this, Lyme and I were talking about our feelings for each other.

ANDY: Rightio, I've got the door open.

NORTON: Splendid work. Come on inside.

The door closes, something like a geiger counter clicks

NORTON: Oh, excuse me. Okay, once we've been swept and declared all clear, we should be inside the bunker.

ANDY: What about the spores on us?

NORTON: Well, they passed all the security screens to get inside Torchwood, so I doubt they'll stop us. Besides...

Something sprays, Andy and Gideon wince in pain

NORTON: Anti-bacterial purge! Quick bath of thallo rays should wipe them out. Will also make you know where all your fillings are for days. Ah! Now, if we're unlucky the bunker will be full of disgruntled Torchwood employees who fled from head office probably running out of crosswords. But don't worry, just leave the talking to me. I need to get past them and back inside Torchwood.

ANDY: I've not stopped to ask, why are you doing this?

NORTON: Because I've made a mistake and I'm putting it right.

GIDEON: And if you don't trust me, why are you bringing me along?

NORTON: Well because if anything goes wrong I'm relying on you to escape and go public. But, with any luck, the bunker will be as empty as a bus depot, and we can just nip in, grab some hazard suits, and I'll give you the tour.

The entrance opens, they walk in

ANDY: The lights are off?

GIDEON: I've already given you a shilling for the meter.

NORTON: Do either of you have a torch on you? No? Then shut up.

GIDEON: I've got some matches somewhere.

ANDY: Niffs a bit. Wait.

NORTON: Stale air. Let's edge forward. Stay in the light from the doorway.

The door roars closed

NORTON: No, no, no, no, no! Damn! There’ll be a release around here! Somewhere! Matches! Matches! Now please! Lyme!


ANDY: Have you just sealed us in an underground bunker?

NORTON: Shut up!

ANDY: And is the bunker airtight?

NORTON: Shut up some more!

ANDY: Because I am betting it's also soundproof!

NORTON: Andrew!

GIDEON: Got it!

Gideon tries to light a match

GIDEON: Oh, hold on.

He tries again. succeeding

GIDEON: Yep, got it.

NORTON: Good, look around. Lightswitch, candles, quickly, quickly, anything-

There’s a sound from the bunker


ANDY: Those creatures.

GIDEON: They're in here!

NORTON: Get back, get back!

The three of them, and the creatures, scream


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